Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year Guffawing

Ha! I can undoubtedly say that this is the first time that the close of an old year and the opening of a new one has brought me to the point of teary-eyed reflection. How many times have I heard family and friends murmur in breathy tones, "Well, things change when you have kids." In my pre-reproductive days, I found this sentiment to be condescending and dismissive of my adolescent episodes. My lens for seeing the world was so myopic, despite my travels and self-prescribed worldliness. Boy did I have a lot to learn. Boy, do I have a lot to learn.

Since parenting is generally agreed upon to be one of the most difficult and most important tasks floating out there in the universe, I'll spare you the woes and just say this: my kids give me cause to smile every day. Every single day. Today, Frankie leaned in close with her nappy hair rubbing against my arm and gently (without that toddler manipulation that so frequents our household) whispers, "I wuv you, Mommy." It's so darn simple, isn't it? Just hearing her squeaky little voice and those cherished few words truly gives me a warming sensation. I feel bad for Frankie when she hands me that apple because I go gooey and want to kiss her up and down and squeeze her like Steinbeck's George does in The Grapes of Wrath. And then there's Owen. Who knew that a baby could communicate so much love (and need)? Why is it that his porky little face with his weird stubby tongue can melt me like a crayon on a Florida sidewalk? There is nothing funnier than seeing him bang on the toy piano like he is channeling Jerry Lee.

(This is what is referred to as annoying parental gushing.)

Let this entry be a testament to my kids. Thank you for showing me the world from your perspective. I had almost forgotten about innocence and awe.

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